Thursday, December 13, 2007

Rejoice Comrades!

Rejoice Comrades!

The Revolution has received the pre-authorization to proceed on the work of the Revolution. Since there are many channels that the PAPWR can come in through, I am not sure which one the revolution received it through since I am still in the indoctrination.

All comrades are ready to begin the work, but I must tell you that the foundation for a Glorious and Magnificent Revolution (GMR) is planning. There is so much planning involved that surely I will be gainfully working on the revolution soon. My contribution will be beyond the bounds of measurement, since my tasks are going to be delivering the revolution, and not necessarily the revolutionary milestones underneath it.

In other news, the indoctrination is proceeding smoothly for me. I must tell you my Comrades that with the power of web 2.0 technology, and the webbernet, that it is possible to become indoctrinated very quickly, but not all of us pay attention like we should. Several of our revolutionary comrades had to be placed into Indoctrination Room C where they will learn at their new slower pace. It is amazing that this revolution is still using the powers of 'A Brave New World' as a 1st resort. I must remember to file a Revolutionary Suggestion form after Indoctrination for a new type of training methodology.

Rejoice Comrades! The weekend is nearly here!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Rejoice Comrades!

Rejoice Comrades!

Today, the revolution reached yet another height of training. It looks as though the revolutionary group in charge of the revolutionary training has asked for my feedback. I am to fill out a short 5 question survey on how I think the process is going for being indoctrinated into the revolution.

1. Applicability to Revolution: Excellent
2. Timeliness: Excellent
3. Instructor Knowledge: Distinguished.
4. Good Examples: Superb
5. Comments: What is this about a revolutionary instructor being a computer program on the web. Is it truly a council of the revolution. Can you contact me so that I can add you (all?) to my backup revolutionary network?

I cannot quite remember what I learned in revolutionary indoctrination today, but I have been assured that it will slowly seep in and I shall overpower everything.

In other news, I also got some chocolate.

Rejoice Comrades, the revolutionary training group has embraced giving out materialistic rewards for answering questions in the indoctrination groups. I must remember to fill out a revolutionary suggestion form to say that we (the revolution) should not be focused on such materialistic short sighted rewards, but should go for more specific measurable things, like peace.

Instructor to CPM (me): Excellent work on answering that series of questions correctly. Your award will be peace once the revolution succeeds. Now focus and work harder. There is much to do.

See how this works. This is an excellent award. I know that my work will result in peace, which is what - apparently - this revolution is geared toward...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Comrades, Rejoice!

Today, I have learned that the Revolution has embraced using web 2.0 learning technology so that it is easier to track who has learned what in the revolution.

What does this mean? Has this new revolution that I've joined embraced the powers of a bureaucracy, or is it merely that I, a revolutionary project manager have learned that even revolutionary project management is nothing if there is no agreed upon standards and practices within the revolution to carry out an effective revolution. Hopefully soon, I shall figure out where in the revolution that I will be managing.

On that front, I have begun networking and building several revolutionary cells so that I will be able to take control of the revolution if necessary. But I must tell you that this is only between us comrades.

Comrades, rejoice, after this revolutionary training cycle is complete, we will be able to get on with the revolution.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Rejoice Comrades!

Comrades, I have just joined a new revolution! My first indoctrination event was last week, and my first day at the revolution HQ was today. I have to tell you, my comrades, that the first day of a new revolution is very difficult.

So many acronyms for the revolution to absorb. So many new faces that I have to not remember in case I am caught and tortured into revealing secrets of the way our revolution is structured. Which brings us to the revolutions organization breakdown structure. A mathematician recently modeled the most effective manner to create revolutionary cells as an exercise for the feds to learn how to lop the revolution in the bud. Thankfully, the feds haven't paid attention to the researcher yet, so we are all safe.

Also, if you are wondering what happened to the old revolution, well, the benefits weren't so good, and the cyclical nature of the revolutionary down time was to much of a drag, so it was time to leave. Viva la Revolution!

Rejoice Comrades!

The revolution is back!