Saturday, March 8, 2008

Revolution Not Rebellion

Rejoice Comrades!

We are experiencing a groundswell of support lately, and and I tell you it feels great to know that the people are on our side. Speaking of the people, some of our Comrades have been confusing Rebellion with Revolution. In some cases, these are synonymous, but not during this phase of the Revolution. Please no throwing tea into the harbor. It doesn't do anything but environmental damage and we loose the support of the people.

The long term plan is to subvert the will of the people so that their will is the will of the Revolution, and then any who don't conform will be part of the Rebellion against the Revolution.

Not much else to say.

Oh wait.

Comrade Fearless Leader was assassinated last night, and Comrade Glorious Leader (from the previous Revolution that I was a part in) has stepped in and seized the reins of power.

And I must say that I will put the rumors to rest right now that although I did help isolate the former leader, it was for our Comrade's safety and not in an attempt to leave our former leader open to an assassination from inside the Revolution.

Rejoice Comrades! With Comrade Glorious Leader at the helm of this Revolution, we will succeed!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Date for the Revolution Set

Rejoice Comrades!

Over the past few weeks, I've been attending some Revolutionary Best Practices (RBP) Meetings to ensure the Revolution will be successful.

I have to tell you, Comrades, that one of the RBPs is to start with a top down planning and then do a bottoms up validation. This of course means that we have now set a date for the Revolution and some of the key Revolutionary Milestones along the way. I think we will all appreciate this as we begin our efforts for bottoms up validation of the schedule for the Revolution.

Comrades, I shall not be setting up meetings with you to review the schedule, since that would compromise security. Also, following the RBPs, I will not be telling you the date in this unsecure format since then the Feds will know and it could put everything in extreme jeapordy.

Comrades, please be sure to be on the lookout for the top level schedule that will appear in the secured mail drop locations. Do not worry, comrades. Though we move onto a new phase of the Revolution (I can't share what that phase is here), and we may lose a few of our fellow comrades to the Feds - they are watching us and know that we have secure mail drops, but they can't get us all - the Revolution is proceeding apace.
