Tuesday, December 7, 2010

New Members

Rejoice Comrades!

We have acquired several new cells over the last few days that have been vetted by the Revolutionary Council and Comrade Infallible Leader. It is true that replacing Comrade Glorious Leader was seen by many as an underhanded deal. While seeming to compromise too much with the various Revolutionary Council Members, Comrade Infallible Leader has demonstrated again and again and unique penchant for success and an ability to overcome all obstacles.

As you may recall, Comrades, it was indeed Comrade Infallible Leader who was the primary stakeholder a few years ago in implementing our Comrade AI HR program. It was deemed at some points to be an outright disaster, but we have seen that the wisdom of Comrade Infallible Leader is boundless. Each trial that many of us thought we were facing was but a ploy in Comrade Infallible Leader's Strategy for Managing the Revolution.

Indeed, my Comrades, we should Rejoice! Comrade Infallible Leader makes no wrong move, it is merely we who are unable to see the wisdom of our Comrade's Leadership.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Communications Strategy Revision

Rejoice Comrades!

As you are well aware, secret communications are part and parcel of the Revolutionary Communications Strategy. It turns out, though, that unnamed sources within the Revolution have turned traitor and have revealed the secret inner workings of the Revolution.

Fellow Comrades, this places many of you at risk. Please begin, if you have not already been captured, to go to back up communications plan Aleph-Gamma-6-Delta-Red-NiNer-Foxtrot-8-8-8-Red.

Comrades, I repeat,please go to back up communications plan Aleph-Gamma-6-Delta-Red-NiNer-Foxtrot-8-8-8-Red.

Comrades, emotional resilience is a key quality of why you were hand-picked by the Revolutionary Council and by Comrade Infallible Leader for the Revolution.

Rejoice Comrades! Soon we will have communications re-established.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Human Resources Management

Rejoice Comrades!

A Key component of any successful Revolution, is human resources management. Posting for applicants, reviewing resumes, interviewing, checking references, and final selection. All of these are crucial. However, Comrades, it does not always mean that the best candidates are selected. The Revolutionary Council has just learned that multiple cells have been infiltrated by double agents. Now how can this be?

Well, Comrades, when the Glorious Leader announced a general amnesty after the terrible infighting during the early 2000s through the usual communication channels, many cells have been slowly reintegrated into the Revolution. But, some of our Comrades, unfortunately, had decided to not be dedicated to the Revolution anymore. Now, Comrades, as we all well know, any significant Revolution can only succeed if we all pull together, collectively, to achieve our common goals.

So, please, join us for the upcoming ceremony when we say good-bye to those unfortunates. While some may say that it is a purge, done for political reasons, that is not so. They have become a security risk.

Rejoice Comrades! The Revolution will succeed as we re-establish team cohesion.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cost Variance

Rejoice Comrades!

It looks as though the constant overrun on our cost as compared to the amount of earned value is about to drop off steeply. The Revolutionary Council has implemented a new cost recovery and savings measure and as a result, we will be issuing an important update to the most current baseline for our Revolutionary Project Activity tracking.

One key area of implementation was in deciding to apportion the cost of inciting a rebellion to the task of producing it. This, as we well know, has the added benefit of accruing the earnings from those tasks at the same time as the production of it. This levels out the earnings structure to facilitate better cost management strategies.

Rejoice Comrades! With our new fiscal baseline being set, we are sure to succeed!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Facilitation Strategy

Rejoice Comrades!

The Revolutionary Council has implemented a new process to rollout new Revolutionary Processes!

Soon a meet and greet opportunity will be held to review this new policy!

However, based on lessons learned in this type of implementation, the Revolutionary Security Protocol will still be followed. So, while, my fellow comrades, I may clearly state that this new process is vital to our success in the Revolution, according to our process, we cannot meet or share this process or else, the Revolution may not be successful.

However, One of our Brave Comrades, will face the review and feedback cycle of this new process implementation. Soon, we shall hear back on if and how the apparent disconnect between processes was resolved.

Rejoice Comrades! A Revolution is made up of many key strategies of which this is one.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Philosophical Inquiry Beginning

Rejoice Comrades!

From time to time, it is appropriate that we consult our Revolutionary Stakeholders, but also look outside of our normal Revolutionary Stakeholders to ask for a more impartial assessment of our performance on our Revolution's Goals.

I know, my comrades, that it is sometimes difficult to understand that some people would not have a stake in the Revolution. Because, that is actually absolutely true, we've had to devise a new scheme of the 'Least Interested in That Aspect of the Revolution Review' (or LITARR for short). This LITARR (pronounced 'lighter', as in the flame of the Revolution) will take place shortly.

Comrades, please have your summary and analysis of your area of concern in a simple, 3-5 sentence summary ready to go shortly so that the LITARR can proceed.

Rejoice Comrades! It is only through this review process that we can assure ourselves that we are not engaged in unsponsored groupthink.

Monday, May 31, 2010


Rejoice Comrades!

Our Glorious Leader has proposed a new SOW to help us all rehabilitate.

Yes, my comrades, soon we too, will be free from this Gulag, to pursue a more fulfilling relationship with the Revolution. Not to say, that our stay here, in the Gulag has been without merit. Here, I (and I know you, as well) have learned much from the cultural library that will bring merit to the rest of our revolutionary brethren.

Comrades, over the next few weeks, I shall help disseminate the knowledge from our glorious leader helping to spell out the Statement of Work (SOW) that we shall soon be embarking upon again.

Rejoice! My Comrades! While we live, we shall struggle on!