Saturday, September 22, 2007

Rejoice Comrades!

I have managed to escape the forces from the other revolution. Comrade Glorious Leader has been captured.

We must make a plan for his rescue.

A risk assessment, scope, and work breakdown structure, HR plan, and budget must be drawn up immediately.

While no expense is too great to free our leader, we must remember we'll be accountable to him at the end of the fiscal quarter. Or we will be if we can, err... when we free him.

Comrades! Suggestions are welcome...

so are guns, or other means of freeing our leader...

Friday, September 21, 2007

Comrades! Now is not the time to panic.

Please remember we can counter this problem by running an extremely down and dirty 'crash'counter revolution.

We must throw everything we can at it. Comrades, now is not the time to think of resources...


Comrades, where are you?

Am I alone?

Oh no.

They come for me...

Hide, comrades. Wait for the signal. The revolution will succeed.

It may just be having a minor setback right now.


Thursday, September 20, 2007


It looks like the reorg was worse than I feared!

It looks like another revolution is trying for a hostile takeover of our glorious revolution.

I fear for the lives of Comrade Glorious Leader and all the revolutionary council.

Comrades! Lay down your lives to protect the leader....