Tuesday, December 7, 2010

New Members

Rejoice Comrades!

We have acquired several new cells over the last few days that have been vetted by the Revolutionary Council and Comrade Infallible Leader. It is true that replacing Comrade Glorious Leader was seen by many as an underhanded deal. While seeming to compromise too much with the various Revolutionary Council Members, Comrade Infallible Leader has demonstrated again and again and unique penchant for success and an ability to overcome all obstacles.

As you may recall, Comrades, it was indeed Comrade Infallible Leader who was the primary stakeholder a few years ago in implementing our Comrade AI HR program. It was deemed at some points to be an outright disaster, but we have seen that the wisdom of Comrade Infallible Leader is boundless. Each trial that many of us thought we were facing was but a ploy in Comrade Infallible Leader's Strategy for Managing the Revolution.

Indeed, my Comrades, we should Rejoice! Comrade Infallible Leader makes no wrong move, it is merely we who are unable to see the wisdom of our Comrade's Leadership.