Thursday, January 17, 2008

Acquiring the Revolution's team

Comrades, Rejoice.

The Revolution has issued some requisitions for some vacant positions for the revolution's team. Yes, comrades, our numbers and work are growing so well that we have decided to open up the process for applicants to begin submitting their resumes for the revolution. Since I am the only focus point with an authorized voice to begin acquiring the revolution's team, please contact me via this post and I will (after careful screening), begin the process of bringing you on board.

It is a very exciting time in the revolution. Every time the Feds say there will be a recession, we gather more recruits, and when there isn't one, we get more funding. Ahh, things are going very well.

In other news, 3 more cells have fallen in the revolution. Apparently they were caught trying to influence government purchasing strategies by switching to software as a service. While the concept is similar to my previous post about incremental updates to the revolution, but very different since the government would feed the corporate machine a steady diet of money, whereas we feed the needs and the desires of the people.

And also, the new revolutionary communications plan is working. Most cells have reported a better understanding of the revolution's status and for those that haven't, they have been sent back to indoctrination.

Rejoice Comrades! The Revolution progresses.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sizing the Revolution's Schedule Buffer

Rejoice Comrades!

Contrary to anything you may have heard, our Revolution does not have a schedule buffer. Yes comrades, while some in the business of revolution say that schedule buffers are the only adequate way to maintain overall schedule integrity and make room for any unforeseen circumstances. This is not so.

Working with Comrade Revolutionary Systems Architect II, we have devised a way to fast track every facet of the revolution to the people. Why should the people wait for merely one titanic upheavel (still being considered), and just phase in every aspect of the revolution as it is ready. Comrades, this is the way of the future.

In other minutes from today's meetings, it looks like we have lost several cells of the revolution to infighting over priorities. If only they had followed the process of regular communication through the principles of least access and let that disseminate over the various networks and cells until a thorough review of the priorities had been considered, deliberated upon, and suggested to the revolutionary change management board which then could have appropriately issued a directive back to the effected cells so that they could re-prioritize. I am surprised that this did not work.

Comrades, I think that it looks like there is a process disconnect here. The indoctrination should clearly have taken care of this and all of our fellow comrades in the other cells would have been able to follow the process. Using the Revolutions guiding internal principles, since I found the problem, I get to go onto the next step and file an Internal Revolutionary Change to the System of Internal Governance Form (an RCSIGF) otherwise known as form 984ZBEEF55892RT.

Rejoice Comrades! This should never happen again.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Risk Trend Analysis

Comrades, Rejoice!

Through the powers of Risk Trending, it looks like the Revolution has been able to determine several key areas of concern and areas where the Revolution seems to consistently run aground, in no particular order, these are: The economic underpinnings of a post-revolution economy and the means by which the People will feel excited to work on the further glory of the Revolution, the distribution of material gains for the betterment of the People, and leaks to the Feds.

Hard as it is to believe Comrades, some of our fellow Comrades may have not been successfully indoctrinated and are spying on us for the Feds. Comrades, it is a dark time when we can no longer trust our fellow Comrade. Thankfully, taking a page from Information Security Best Practices, and having had the change board review and approve it, we are about to implement the principle of least access across all facets of the revolution. No Comrades. This is not a hidden attempt for a coup to limit the access to our governing comrades, they merely do not need to know every facet of what is happening, just merely that the goals are being met...

The distribution of material gains and the economic underpinnings of a post-revolution economy can be answered with one simple word, 'Malls'. After the revolution there still will be a place for malls from the famous Mall in DC to the strip mall along your favorite corridor to the malls in the suburbs. Malls shall serve as the main focus for continuing the revolution.

Rejoice Comrades, with forward planning we shall triumph!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Firing up the WebberNet (Lessons Learned)

Rejoice Comrades!

After much trials and tribulations, I am back from an excursion into the lands of no webbernet access. Yes, comrades, sometimes it pays to pay attention to the most insignificant details. After much investigating and engaging in root cause analysis, I was able to decipher that the reason why my new wifi card was not working was...

My apologies comrades. I must tell the story in a more logical, and time phased manner. In this way, we will be able to see how this happened.

First, due to a reorg and a network rebuild at my base of operations, I switched from a direct line to the webbernet to a wireless access. Once I had installed the new card, and was not able to make it work. I began engaging the experts.

Comrade Technical Support and Program Master visited, and was only able to conclude that while the walls were thick, and the the signal weak, it was not due to anything else. And just now, I decided to clean up the cables in the back of my computer, I noticed a funny symbol that stood for wireless. Curious, I thought. Then I realized that it was the end of the wireless antennae, and since the exterior walls of my secret base of operations are made of metal (to interfere with the federal surveillance), I decided that maybe it was causing interference with the wireless.

I turned the computer 90 degrees, fired up the webbernet, and Rejoice Comrades! The status reports of the revolution are back!