Thursday, January 17, 2008

Acquiring the Revolution's team

Comrades, Rejoice.

The Revolution has issued some requisitions for some vacant positions for the revolution's team. Yes, comrades, our numbers and work are growing so well that we have decided to open up the process for applicants to begin submitting their resumes for the revolution. Since I am the only focus point with an authorized voice to begin acquiring the revolution's team, please contact me via this post and I will (after careful screening), begin the process of bringing you on board.

It is a very exciting time in the revolution. Every time the Feds say there will be a recession, we gather more recruits, and when there isn't one, we get more funding. Ahh, things are going very well.

In other news, 3 more cells have fallen in the revolution. Apparently they were caught trying to influence government purchasing strategies by switching to software as a service. While the concept is similar to my previous post about incremental updates to the revolution, but very different since the government would feed the corporate machine a steady diet of money, whereas we feed the needs and the desires of the people.

And also, the new revolutionary communications plan is working. Most cells have reported a better understanding of the revolution's status and for those that haven't, they have been sent back to indoctrination.

Rejoice Comrades! The Revolution progresses.

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