Monday, January 14, 2008

Firing up the WebberNet (Lessons Learned)

Rejoice Comrades!

After much trials and tribulations, I am back from an excursion into the lands of no webbernet access. Yes, comrades, sometimes it pays to pay attention to the most insignificant details. After much investigating and engaging in root cause analysis, I was able to decipher that the reason why my new wifi card was not working was...

My apologies comrades. I must tell the story in a more logical, and time phased manner. In this way, we will be able to see how this happened.

First, due to a reorg and a network rebuild at my base of operations, I switched from a direct line to the webbernet to a wireless access. Once I had installed the new card, and was not able to make it work. I began engaging the experts.

Comrade Technical Support and Program Master visited, and was only able to conclude that while the walls were thick, and the the signal weak, it was not due to anything else. And just now, I decided to clean up the cables in the back of my computer, I noticed a funny symbol that stood for wireless. Curious, I thought. Then I realized that it was the end of the wireless antennae, and since the exterior walls of my secret base of operations are made of metal (to interfere with the federal surveillance), I decided that maybe it was causing interference with the wireless.

I turned the computer 90 degrees, fired up the webbernet, and Rejoice Comrades! The status reports of the revolution are back!

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