Saturday, April 5, 2008

Team Building Exercise

Rejoice Comrades!

I just got back from the most marvelous of Revolutionary team building exercises. In it, we set ourselves a short term objective and then worked together to achieve it. The most remarkable part of this was how simple and elegant a short term project can be.

Yes, Comrades, we were handed a simple statement of work and asked to execute it. In a flash, we drafted a communications plan, took a list of our stakeholders, listed the milestones and work necessary to achieve them, built our team, generated buy-in and off we went.

Sometimes, Comrades, it is good to escape the day to day pressures of helping to project manage the Revolution, and work on something so simple and immediate. The Revolution may very well take our whole lives (it may, I can't tell you how long, remember, I can't share the top level Revolutionary milestones and dates to prevent our competition from preempting us), but that doesn't mean we can't do something right here and now.

Ah, yes. The exercise. Well, it was exercise in the sense that our blood was pumping, adrenaline flowing, and laser lights flashing. It wasn't an exercise in the sense that the lasers were live and we lost many comrades. Rejoice Comrades! They shall live on as martyrs to the Revolution!

In related news, we are pretty sure that we've rooted out the last vestiges of our AI running the HR department. We hope to have the new computers in soon. Well, Comrades. It seems that even when you try to include everyone in the Revolution, sometimes not everyone will make the cut or want to participate, or won't try to go on a homicidal rampage through the Revolutionary Headquarters taking over all the computers, robots, and electrical appliances...

Rejoice Comrades! We shall be moving to a new HQ soon!

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