Friday, April 25, 2008

Unaccounted for Risk

Rejoice Comrades!

It turns out that I was not as familiar with the Revolutionary Change Request Forms (RCRFs) as I thought. Never having seen a RCRF marked with the 'Don't Kill the Requestor', I wasn't aware that once that box is checked, there is a subsequent addendum to the RCRF that must be filed within 36 hours or else a very interesting procedure can be invoked.

Yes, Comrades. That is correct. I must give a presentation complete with graphs, animations, different fonts, graphics, brandings, little call-out boxes, arrows, and random slide transition animations, to explain the benefits of adding the 'After the Revolution, there will be no slide-show presentations' to the Revolutionary Statement of Work.

It looks like much work is ahead of me, my Comrades.

Rejoice though. Soon, I shall be routing my presentation for comment and approval.


  1. First I have to say that I like your style of posts, very light and fun.

    I have a change request form template, you can find it in this Project Management Plan Template in Appendix A.

    I hope you continue posting on your blog, your posts are really nice to read!

  2. Comrade PM Hut, thank you for the CR as well as PMP Template. This is an excellent starting point for getting a revolution off the ground.

    However, THIS revolution is well into a rolling wave planning session.

    We must consider a way to maintain the overall Execution and control portion of this revolution.


Share your thoughts, comrade, and help us plot the most glorious revolution.