Friday, June 27, 2008

New Communication Strategy

Rejoice Comrades!

The Agreement with the Feds has fallen through. We can no longer rely on our current communication strategy. However, my fellow Comrades, this risk was accounted for in our communication strategy risk assessment audit that we performed in March. I wasn't able to mention it until now so as to not tip our hand.

So, henceforth, the communication plan will be to encrypt each letter of our communication using a amalgam of 245,600,300 digit prime numbers raised to the 1,600,538,699E88 digit of pi spun through a translation matrix of word image associations until each one letter cipher is completely unbreakable. Unfortunately right now we don't have a decryption key that we can share, but never fear Comrades, you will soon be approached my a new Revolutionary Communication Strategist, who may look, talk, and act like a Fed, but isn't, to give you the new decryption key. Also, as soon as computers are fast enough a 20 word message will only take 30 days to unencrpyt...

Rejoice Comrades! Soon our communications shall be free from interference from the Feds.

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