Friday, July 11, 2008

SOW Update

Rejoice Comrades!

It is that time again. The Revolutionary Council is ready to begin reviewing your new Revolutionary Statement of Work Updates for the 2nd half of '08. Comrades, have you had a change in your scope that increased or decreased your SOW? Do you have enough revolutionaries to accomplish our Revolutionary Goals for the balance of this year?

I'd be happy to sit down with each of the different areas and put together a comprehensive review to bring to the Council to present on the upcoming SOW. However, until we accept a change in the Revolutionary Communication Protocols, I will be unable to meet with any of you...ever...

Rejoice Comrades! Now is the time to review your SOW and Rejoice in the Glory that is the REVOLUTION!!!

1 comment:

  1. Rejoice Comrade! remember that it is only through understanding the complex interplay between love of the nation state and the state of how we want that nation to be and through our own relationship to those states and the complex negotiation of the inherent tensions contained therein that we can begin to understand what it means to live a life under the banner of an ongoing and continuous Revolution that we know WILL succeed this time.


Share your thoughts, comrade, and help us plot the most glorious revolution.