Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Rejoice Comrades!

Enterprise Revolutionary Management System (ERMS)

Comrades, these are what are needed for the next phase of managing the revolution's schedule. How else are we to let the revolutionary council know if all portions of the revolution are on track?

For those of you Comrades who do not know, an ERMS is an automated way of scheduling revolutionary tasks, milestones, and budget to see how the revolution is performing to the baseline.

Comrades, you may be asking, 'Why should I bother with all of that bureaucratic overhead?' Comrades, it is the only way to effectively generate reliable data in revolutionary earned value. Comrades, if this approach had been followed, then the Russian revolution would not have faltered because they would have had a system of reliable metrics for measuring performance from what was expected. So much money would have been saved in transportation to the Gulag - both from better savings in needing to ship fewer underperformers and from the savings inherent in measuring how well the whole Gulag was operating.

Comrades, while of course these metrics do not take into account the ideological value of these tasks, it is quite easy to assign a 'cost' or 'dollar' amount to the ideological areas and see how that works out. While the calculus of the human mind is inscrutable, it doesn't mean that we can't measure performance to something in this world.

Yes, Rejoice Comrades! We have a better system of managing the Revolution now!

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