Monday, December 17, 2007

Rejoice Comrades!

Rejoice Comrades!

Over the weekend, I encountered the concept of using Zombies for the revolution.

The plan would be thus:
1. Gather the requirements for Zombies (i.e., what defines a zombie, etc...)
2. Check on the Market Availability of a horde of Zombies for the Revolution. Will we need to create the Zombies in House, or contract with a Zombie Development firm to create a batch of them?
3. Procure the Zombies.
4. Use the Zombies as staff at low levels of the revolution. (Though we are all equal, some of us have to work in the dungeon. Yes, even after the revolution, there will still be multi-story buildings).
5. Promote everyone else into management.
6. Viva La Revolution!

Comrades, will this plan work?
Should I begin initiating a new revolutionary project request?
Have we done our due diligence before we bring this up the revolutionary management chain?

Comrades, I think that this is a job for the revolutionary analytical team to investigate at a high level.

Are you with me?

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