Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Activity Resource Estimating

Rejoice Comrades!

I am writing here to provide more detail on how we gathered we didn't have enough in-house revolutionary talent. That is through the power of our Revolutionary Environmental Factors (like distributed revolutionary cells), our Revolutionary Process Assets (such as the power of following a revolutionary project management methodology), a list of revolutionary activities, the availability of some of our Comrade Revolutionaries, and of course, our revolutionary management plan.

Yes, comrades, through this power, we are able to estimate which of our comrades in the other cells are available for and can engage in more revolutionary activity.

We have received an initial response from one revolutionary outsourcing company, but due to NDA restrictions all I can tell you at this point is that they don't have the type of scalability that we are looking for...



Or maybe they do?...

Rejoice Comrades! The Revolution shall be up to staff in no time!

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